Class Description: Hatha Yoga: (HA-THA) (HA) - Prana, Vital force (THA) - Mind, Mental Energy; This class is a traditional alignment-based yoga class focusing on balancing the duality of the mind and body through breathwork (Pranayama), physical practice (Asana), and (sometimes) chanting with intention. Stretch and strengthen your body, deepen your breath and end your day with intention and awareness. The goal is emphasizing the importance of listening to your body, your inner teacher, your true self. This is a sustainable yoga practice for everyone. No experience necessary! (75 minutes)
Instructor Bio: Gabriella Gaona is an artist, yogi, & co-creator. Born and raised in Louisville, KY, She is dedicated to sharing Yoga with everyone in her community. Her Yoga journey started at age 16. In 2014 she and her mother, Sabine Gaona, co-founded "The Inner Warrior" an Eco-Conscious Yoga boutique. They also made it their mission to make Yoga more accessible for the community though their donation-based classes. Gabriella has always been inspired by connecting with others & believes that Yoga can benefit humanity in a big way. In 2016 she completed her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in San Francisco. Now 25 years of age, Gabriella's intention is to share this transformational practice and the many different paths to Yoga (union), hoping to build a more friendly & healthy future for our planet! Visit Inner Warrior here.