Join us every Wednesday at several of our markets for a day of Wellness!
Each week a wellness practitioner will be on hand for mini-consultations. This is a time to ask questions about your health, get free advice on diet, lifestyle, and supplements.
Free | no registration required.
*Masks and social distancing are required in all of our stores!*
St Matthews, 1pm-3pm - Certified Doctor of Naturopathy, Bethany Trocklus will be available for mini consultations and to answer your questions from a naturopathy perspective! Learn more about Bethany at
Highlands, 3pm-6pm - Angela Greer will be available to offer a variety of mini consultations and sessions to help you shine your brightest. You are on your own path and have unique needs and requirements for healing, clearing, and spiritual progression. She will help you with a customized approach that fits you by holistically addressing your individual physical, mental, emotional and spiritual concerns. Learn more about Angela at