Enjoy an afternoon of energy healing and enlightenment with....
Lahna Harris, of Moonlight Dove Holistic & Intuitive Services ~ Lahna will connect with your angels and guides, and provide you with a written message for your highest and best good. Messages are life affirming, deliver guidance, and are often profound. The angels and guides that speak" through Lahna also reveal their names so that you can continue to connect with them.
Phyllis Vaught, of Visions ~ Phyllis uses watercolor to paint the visions that she sees for others and then shares messages from her guides that explain the painting. Hidden images/messages sometimes appear during the painting or may appear at a later viewing.
Ashley Barnes, of A Spirit Led Life ~ Ashley provides energetic healing to balance and clear your chakras and energy body and connect you to Spirit. With each healing session, you will also receive a channeled written message from Spirit. Ashley will also have available for purchase her book, The Angel Inside: Inspiration to Connect with Your Inner Guidance (cover art by Phyllis Vaught).
Sessions are $25.00 each and will last approximately 20-30 minutes. Sign-ups are first-come, first-served.